Frequently asked questions

How far in advance do you need to be booked?

Portraits: 1 month prior to your desired session date.

Events: 3 - 6 months prior to your event date.

Can I extend sessions?

Yes! If you want to extend your time, incorporate outfit changes, and/or shoot at multiple locations for your session, feel free to contact me and we can discuss the details.

How will you deliver the images?

The images will be delivered via an online galley where you can download the images to any electronic device.

What is your turnaround time?

It typically takes anywhere from 3-4 weeks to deliver an edited gallery. If you require the images earlier than my normal turnaround time, let me know in the message box when you are ready to book a session.

Do you require a deposit?

There will be a 35% non-refundable deposit due at the time of booking and after you have signed your contract. This cost will go towards your total payment.

What is your cancellation policy?

There are no cancellation fees. If you decide to cancel your session, you will forfeit your deposit. If you must cancel the day of due to inclement weather, there will be no charge and we will re-schedule your session ASAP.

Do you charge a travel fee?

There is a $25 travel fee for locations in the Dallas area. The travel fee will be subject to change for locations in Fort Worth and other locations outside of Dallas.

Will you help me with outfits and locations?

Absolutely! I always encourage my clients to send me inspiration and discuss their vision for their session so I can help make it happen :) If you need help picking out your outfit, a location or props, feel free to ask!